Sunday, November 22, 2015


It's been on my heart so to speak to start blogging again... So here I am, with a month and a half left in 2015 and a goal! 

So I am a big reader. I love to read and try to read every day. I live in a fairly small community so professional development is very limited unless I want to travel. So I read a lot of books about child development and best practices in Early Childhood. I wanted to share a few with you. I'm not being paid in any way shape or form for this... these are 100% my opinions. As I finish books, I will add to this. 

First up is: Use Your Words: How Teacher Talk Helps Children Learn by Carol Garhart Mooney.

There is no doubt that as Early Childhood Educators we talk A LOT. This book gives a lot of practical, sound advice for how we use our words to make the most of it in the following areas: giving directions and instructions, correcting behavior, developing skills and concepts, and conversations, discussions, and stories. This book is an easy read at 118 pages with skills you can use the next day. I highly recommend. 
"The ideas presented here are not new. As you read this book, I'm sure you will find yourself saying, "I know that." A trip through most preschools, however, shows us that we all need to remind ourselves to use our words more carefully!"

If you believe that Early Childhood Education is all about Relationships, then you need to add this next book to your professional library ASAP: The Dance of Interaction A Guide to Managing Children's Challenging Behavior by Jeanine Fitzgerald.  My copy of this book is almost unreadable. It's highlighted, marked, written in, notes sticking out of it. I have read this book over the holiday break two years in a row because it's such a good reminder about how relationships are the most important factor in what we do. She examines relationships from all aspects and gives you solid information and strategies to use. The book is broken into three sections: The Anatomy of the Dance, Understanding Your Dance Partner, and Learning the Steps. Don't expect a magic pill to correct challenging behavior, but expect to do a lot of reflecting on yourself, the child, and how your interactions can benefit the child or encourage those pesky behaviors.

"My purpose for writing this book is simple- to share some child development theory and many experiences that will empower you to become an unforgettable, positive influence in the life of every child you touch, even those whose behaviors you find disturbing, frustrating, or challenging." 

I am currently reading: Beyond Behavior Management- The Six Life Skills Children Need by Jenna Bilmes. So far I'm loving this book as well. I'm only two chapters in right now but will update this when I'm done. 

What good books have you read lately? Please comment and let me know! I am always looking for the next book to read. 

Have a great week! 

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